Mohammed Nabil Ali El-Nagar

🌐 Egypt 🌐🇪🇬 certificate number ( 112)

joining with us  as swimming coach for children  all ages  0+ 👼 trained according to the🌐 International association of early and infant baby Swimming 👼💯
🌐Bachelor of Physical Education
🌐 Excellence certificate for Life saving and first aids from The Egyptian Diving and Life Saving Federation.
🌐 Excellence certificate for Swimming coach preparatory and safety under water
from The Egyptian underwater &lifesaving Federation.
🌐Completion Certificate of sport injuries, Physiotherapies and massage from
The Arab African Academy for sport
🌐Certificate of completion the technical course for judges ( Biathle/ Triathle)
from The Egyptian Modern Pentathlon Federation .
🌐Certificate of Participation for the winners leaders Festival from Leaders
#детская  #بتوع_سباحة_الرضع #плавание #тренер #سباحه_الرضع #babyswimming #بتوع_سباحه_الرضع #سباحة_الرضع 

#international_baby_swimming_association #international_baby_swimming_system